Saturday, June 29, 2013

London Day 4

I’m not sure I did anything the night before last, but yesterday morning I went with my teacher to the doctors. They were fully booked and after thinking about it I was just like…give me some crutches to use and I will talk to a doctor when I’m back in Boone. So that was when I started my first adventure!

It was a very short adventure as I didn’t leave the street our dorm is on. I went to the officer and they had crutches for people who have a hard time walking, not under the shoulder crutches for those of us who need another leg entirely. I continued on to the pharmacy and they didn’t have any. They said only hospitals do. I was sad. I wanted to avoid sitting in an emergency room when it wasn’t an “emergency” just a problem. Well, on my sad trek back to the dorm, I noticed that RIGHT next door is a Health Center (South Camden Health Center). I walked past it before stopping myself and thinking “My mother would go in there” so I turned my butt back around with nothing else to lose and went in. There was a lady who had the company’s shirt on and a guy at a desk talking. The lady had been walking away, but she turned back when I got to the desk. I asked him if they had crutches and both at the same time said no and then the lady said that hospitals have crutches. I was like “At least I tried!” But then the lady asked me what the problem was, so I told her. She just shook her head and said “Crutches aren’t going to help you. It sounds like plantar fasciitis. You should just ice it and stay in your trainers (sneakers). Try and buy a heel pad.” Free advice that sounded legitimate. So taking her at her word, I decided to go back to the pharmacy. Of course they didn’t have inserts or heel pads. The Indian guy there must really like me for going in and buying something every day because instead I bought a Chiropody Felt thing that should provide pressure relief. It didn’t work for my foot but today I may use it on the one I put all my weight on.

Anyway, after we had class that afternoon, we went to eat before going to see The Alchemist at The Rose. We ate at Pizza Express (which wasn’t very express…) and then went to the play. It was really cool there because the audience is small because the room is small. You are basically in the middle of the play itself. It was a really great experience, but there is still something about being at The Globe that blew my mind more. After that we all made our way back to the dorm before getting ready to go out.
After walking for forever and a year after Colin and taking so many turns it was impossible to navigate where we were in my brain at least, we ended up at Club 49. It was fun and all, but sorry, ya’ll. I am NOT about to go into detail about what happened there. Why? Because a club is a club. I will on the other hand point out things I learned.

1)      I do not like strangers petting my head.
2)      Clubs= beer ALL over you even when it isn’t yours
3)      Sticky floors
4)      Drunk people
5)      Drunk people that don’t know how to dance
6)      Know when to stop dancing b/c your feet will kill you if you don’t rest
7)      Drink a LOT of water beforehand so you don’t get dehydrated

I can at least say my first club experience was fun for the most part, but there are just some things…*sigh* Yeah….

On the way back, I couldn’t walk because my feet were killing me (since adrenaline got me through the dancing). Lorin and I tried to take one of the bike dudes back to the dorm, but he got lost because he thought “Drummond” was “Dervish” when I specifically spelled it out for him. I was just like “Take us to Warren St.” On the way we ran into our group (most of them at least) and we just hopped out. 40 pounds for that ride. Geez… So I ended up using Lorin and Andrew as crutches. Wonderful people. When we got back, I crashed. I couldn’t be on my feet anymore no matter how much I wanted a shower. I barely fell asleep because my feet were in SO much pain and cramping like nobody’s business. I had to massage them out a little before I finally fell asleep. I am happy to say that they are relatively okay though. I can walk. And the bad foot? The front is stronger now so limping is easy. My other leg needs a break though but we plan on doing the touristy thing, so it won’t get much of one. Hopefully we will move slowly.

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